Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Giving it up to Give


This year for Lent, the youth group as a whole gave up ALL beverages except for water and are participating in THE H2O PROJECT. This means, coffee, soda, juice and boba. By doing this, we are raising money to build wells in developing countries...let me explain.

Lent last for 40 days: Ash Wednesday to Easter

Every day calculate the money you would have used to by a coffee, soda with lunch, milk for the week...etc...

Save the money and give it to Living Water International, who train nationals in developing countries and provide them with the necessary equipment to obtain clean drinking water.

Think it sounds this video . It is so much harder than I thought it would be. I always count on the delicious cup of coffee on days I am pooped! I work at 5:30AM mind you...I am inevitably going to be pooped some days. And sometimes I just want something sweet to drink...lemon water doesn't cut it. But that is whole purpose, right?! In preparation for Holy Week, the Death and Resurrection of my Lord and my Savior, through prayer (dear Jesus...), penitence (repenting...lots of that!), almsgiving (money for clean water) and self-denial (ahhh! no coffee or sugary drink!).

So good luck to all of you who are participating in Lent. So happy we can prepare together for the Death and Resurection of our Lord.

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