Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Give a little bit...

"We should always GIVE more than we SAVE"
~my husband
I am ALWAYs overwhelmed by the need of love in our world. We often feel removed and far away from the problems. We know the problems and pain of this world, but we don't always know how to help. But I have found, that when you really take a look, there are so many people and organizations living with the sole purpose of helping others.
As I search for what it means to live as Jesus, for what it means to put others before myself, for what it means to see others through Jesus' eyes, for what it means to love without boundaries...I'll let you know...even if "you" is just me.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I used to think "blogging" was weird...seriously...typing away your life for others to see...bizarre...
but...then i changed my mind...
Although I am not sure what kind of person this blog will portray.
I am quite awful with words, my flow is choppy and my spelling is atrocious. I am often accused of being over-dramatic, cheesy and emotional. I have a hard enough time speaking my mind, let alone writing it...but here goes nothing...